Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Freedom of Speech: Are We Being Heard?

by Zach Moore
originally published by The Voice on April 3, 2013

in response to "Politics: The New Blame Game" originally published by The Voice on March 14, 2013

Through large amounts of political pressure, there is an ever-increasing manipulation implemented on the rights each citizen of the United States holds. One of the most respected rights that citizens obtain is their ability to have freedom of speech.

Through the stances of opposing political sides, it is evident in many ways that the individual’s right to freedom of speech is dwindling. These limitations are seen on different scales, beginning with newspaper editors and ending with the Obama administration.
Sadly, in today’s society it is seen as “disgraceful” to question the policies of a certain president or political party. In order to defend President Obama’s catastrophic policies and below 50 percent approval rating, some view that the opposition needs to keep quiet in order to hide the atrocious policies that the president has implemented.

Interestingly, what you did not see is the left’s insolence of the Bush Administration’s ‘War on Terror’ being labeled and published as a “lack of respect for his or her president.” Regardless, in the context presented by previous editorials, it would be disrespectful for President Obama to attack the War on Terror.

Moreover, this would also mean President Obama is disrespecting the 2,996 Americans who lost their lives on 9/11, who would support bringing the people who terrorized this country to justice. Unfortunately, this is the way in which the left has characterized disapproval of a particular political candidate or policy, and ultimately the expression of freedom of speech. As a student, and more importantly a citizen of the United States, I value my right to express my opinion and to utilize my freedom of speech, without my political affiliation being considered disgraceful.
These restrictions and limitations of freedom of speech are also evident in the Obama Administration. The distaste President Obama has for individuals who oppose his policies is seen in Vice President Joe Biden as well. For example, one of the largest activist groups against the Obama administration is the Tea Party.

In the recent debt-ceiling discussions, the Tea Party’s expression of freedom of speech towards the White House policies led to Vice President Biden and other democratic representatives to characterize the Tea Party as “terrorists.” Inappropriately, this is how your very own Vice President views individuals and organizations that exercise their freedom of speech in this country.
Recently, when the United States rolled over the automatic spending cuts, also known as the sequester, in order to avoid the questioning of the press, President Obama forced the press out of the room ironically during the “press” conference. This is not the first time the president has denied the press of their freedom of speech in questioning him.

According to abcnews.com, President Obama has only engaged in question and answer with the press 94 times. This is a nominal number compared to George W. Bush’s 307 question and answer sessions, as well as Bill Clinton’s 493. The president takes the lead in scripted, non-confrontational interviews with the press.

Students of Bloomsburg and citizens of the United States need to understand the value their words hold and the reasons why they were provides with the right to freedom of speech by our Founding Fathers. This right shall not be infringed upon, nor should our distrust and lack of approval for a president to be considered disgraceful or disrespectful.

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